Amy Sweet – please contact Amy direct following links to her contact details:

Amy Sweet Psychology LTD

Managing Director, Educational and Child Psychologist
BSc Psychology, First Class, University of Warwick
Doctorate in Applied Educational and Child Psychology, University of Birmingham

I deliver flexible and bespoke independent psychology services to schools across Worcestershire. This involves close collaboration with staff to understand and meet the individual needs of the school, families and community through a tailored package of Educational Psychology support.
Training and capacity building features heavily in my work, specifically in the specialist area of social, emotional and mental health development. I work closely with school staff to develop provision to build resilience and reduce anxiety (and consequently challenging behaviour) through whole school, class and individual m approaches. This includes supporting staff to work therapeutically with students.
I offer a range of assessment packages and have significant experience in completing assessments for EHCP requests and reviews.
Children and families are at the heart of my work and I am experienced in delivering attachment based parenting interventions. I train school staff and LA professionals in the delivery of attachment based approaches that have a positive impact on family relationships, emotional well-being and behaviour.

Dr Amy’s Profile: 