Consultants are available at a variety of community and school based support groups to answer questions and offer advice; n Warwick,we offer a monthly, Family Drop-in where you can come along to meet other families, share ideas and feel supported. You may also be interested in our First Steps workshops for families of children who have a new autism diagnosis; or our transition support groups for parents and carers – these are designed to help you help your child make a successful transition into secondary education.  For dates and further information about all Family events please go to the What’s On pages of this website. Please also visit the Resources pages where you will find a growing library of information and ideas covering a range of SEND topics.

For more individual advice and guidance for families in Warwickshire, visit  Warwickshire’s SEND Information, Advice and Support Service  (SENDIASS).  SENDIASS is available to all families at no cost and is a good, first port of call for independent advice, information and support on all matters relating to SEND. Contact also provides support, advice and information for families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability; and hosts SEN Direct which can signpost you to the right support, service and information for your family.