Training Courses
SEND Supported offers a range of training courses which can either be delivered in school or offered as individual delegate training at SEND Supported in Warwick. Training can be delivered in full day, half day or twilight sessions. This year's Free NQT programme includes sessions on Autism, Sensory Processing Differences and Memory & Processing Skills. All delegate based training courses are displayed on the What's On pages of this website.
Delegate based training courses
Delivered by webinar or at
The Emscote Centre
Nelson Lane
Warwick CV34 5JB
FREE NQT Autism Awareness: Supporting pupils with autism
This course is aimed at Newly Qualified Teachers and helps them have a greater awareness of the Autism Spectrum; understand the challenges experienced by learners with ASC; know some strategies and approaches to promote inclusion, equality and progress; and have shared ideas and experience with other each other.
See the What’s On pages of our website to find this year’s Autumn Term date for this training and to book your place.
FREE NQT Speech Language & Communication Needs
This course is aimed at Newly Qualified Teachers and helps them have a better understanding of Speech Language & Communication Needs and associated barriers to learning; and provides practical strategies to promote progress in the classroom.
See the What’s On pages of our website to find this year’s Spring Term date for this training and to book your place.
FREE NQT Memory & Processing Skills
This course is aimed at Newly Qualified Teachers and provides an introduction to Memory and Processing Skills in the classroom and practical strategies to support learners.
See the What’s On pages of our website to find this year’s Summer Term date for this training and to book your place.
SEMH – practical strategies for the classroom
This course will provide an overview and understanding of the latest developments, and up to date resources, available to schools to support the social emotional and mental health needs of pupils. Places cost £50 + VAT per person and £25 + VAT for additional staff from the same school.
Who should apply: Teaching Assistants, Learning Mentors, Heads of Year, Family Support Workers.
See the What’s On pages of our website to find this year’s Autumn Term date for this training and to book your place.
Understanding and supporting children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Working with pupils diagnosed with ADHD means dealing with learners who may be restless and fidgety, talk a lot and interrupt others, become easily distracted, find it hard to concentrate or say and do things without thinking. This course will help you respond to their needs and promote better progress.
See the What’s On pages of our website to find this year’s Spring Term date for this training and to book your place.
Pathological Demand Awareness (PDA): practical strategies for the classroom
Do you work with learners who resist and avoid ordinary classroom demands using distraction and excuses; appear sociable but seem to lack social understanding; experience excessive mood swings; or are impulsive?
This course will present the main features of PDA and barriers to learning and give you practical strategies to support youngsters in the classroom.
Who should apply: Primary and secondary Senior Leaders, Teachers, SENDCOs, Teaching Assistants, Learning Mentors, Heads of Year, Mid-Day Supervisors.
See the What’s On pages of our website to find this year’s Summer Term date for this training and to book your place.
School based training courses
Delivered as whole school training, departmental workshops or as training to staff working to support an individual pupil. In addition to the courses listed below, SEND Supported offers bespoke training packages tailored to the individual needs of your staff and students. Use the contact form below to get in touch to find out more.
Girls on the Spectrum
This course is designed for all adults who work in an educational setting, to raise awareness of how girls present with autism. It provides an overview of co-occurring conditions together with strategies to support girls in school.
Find Out MoreAutism in the Workplace
Autism affects the way people communicate and experience the world around them. Approximately 1 in 100 people in the UK has a diagnosis of autism but many adults have never been diagnosed. This presentation will explore the characteristics of autism and how they may show in the work place. In order to value the contributions these colleagues make in their roles, we will consider how best to support them.
Find Out MoreAutism and Anxiety
Anxiety can be a hidden aspect of autism. Pupils may mask their struggles while navigating the mounting pressures of social, communication and sensory aspects of the school day – only to arrive home in a fragile state of high anxiety. Find out how you can better understand these challenges and promote inclusion, equality and progress at school.
Find Out MorePlease contact SEND Supported if you would like to find out more about Training Courses.