Meet the team / George Timlin

7th March 1956 – 4th February 2018
Founding Partner
SEND Supported
Alex did remember George, and had the following to say about him:
‘He was awesome. He was a bit like a really funny uncle who cheered children up’.
George did so much for Alex. Lovely man.
We remember George as a being a lovely human being, he always had a smile and was very professional in his work. He helped lots of our families and we really appreciated his support over the years. We will certainly remember him in our prayers.
St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery
That story just sums George up for me, as he always took the time to get to know ‘his kids’. I’d like to meet Alan, shake his hand, and say thank you for inspiring George to take the direction he did, and helping so many families. As George always said, Autism is not less, it’s just different – something that kept me going on particularly tough days after Stan’s diagnosis. And after all, it is a Super Power!!
Rebecca Dorrance, Parent
Meeting George was a turning point in my life and the lives of both my children. Several years ago I reached out to George for help and support as my son has Asperger’s and was struggling in school and had stopped eating. George supported me through this stressful time explaining to me why our son was behaving in this way and how to best support him. Last December George wrote a beautifully accurate character statement about our son who had recently been excluded from school after years of struggling to be understood. What George wrote helped with getting our son back into school where George then went in and did further bespoke training to help his educators understand him better. George was selfless, funny, kind, compassionate and one of the most knowledgeable people I had ever met in regard to ASD. The loss we feel today from his passing is too huge to quantify as he advocated so passionately for all our young people. Through George’s parent training programmes, advice and support he made me a better parent enabling me to help and support both our children in a healthy and positive way. I will always be thankful to George for making life easier for me and my family and for sharing all his wisdom with us all.
Clare & Steve Dolphin
To encompass everything George did for my family over the years and what he meant, especially to me was extremely difficult to put into words. I wouldn’t be who I am today without his input. Your company and George’s memory should be celebrated for what you all do.
Clare Dolphin.
Thinking of you all, and George’s family at this very difficult time. George was such a wonderful, gentle man, who always made time for everyone. We supported many families together and George was always there, ready to listen and give advice. He was a huge support to parents and to professional colleagues, who held him in high esteem. He had a wonderful sense of humour and would always be able to connect with people and make them feel at ease. He was my ‘go to’ person if I needed advice, and I feel so lucky to have been able to work with him for so many years. I shall miss him very much.
Wendy Griffin SENDIAS
George was such special person who touched the hearts and lives of so many people. I was honoured to work with George for many years and considered him a good friend. I have witnessed the positive impact he has had on young people and their families, many of whom he had worked with through primary and secondary schooling. He has also taught many professionals ways to support and engage young people often using ‘out of the box’ ideas.
George has left a huge hole and I will miss him very much – his smile, his laugh and his wicked sense of humour. It won’t be the same without him. R.I.P
Safron Ball, Inclusion Manager, St Benedict’s High School
I am so sorry and sad to hear the news about George – a lovely man who was moving into a wonderful new venture.
Tanya King, Business Coach, Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce
George was amazing when he came in to work with us and our staff have been talking about what an inspiration he was ever since – what a loss to your team, both professionally and personally. It is clear George was held in high regard by lots of people.
Natasha Thompson, SENCo, Telford Junior School
George was such a lovely man and I am deeply saddened by his passing. I have known him a long time and always enjoyed working with him. He helped a large number of children and he will be sadly missed.
Julie Leeman, Headteacher, Welford-on-Avon Primary School
George was a very gentle gentleman & he will be sorely missed.
Anna Mullis
George was such a lovely man, I enjoyed working with him for many years here at Bishopton. His warmth, knowledge and sense of humour will be very much missed by me, our children and staff here and many others elsewhere.
Heather Hughes, SENCo, Bishopton Primary School
As a parent of an autistic child, it was a relief to have George in my son’s corner. George worked with and for my son, Alex, since he started primary school. Faced with a barrage of reports, it was often George’s report that hit the nub of the issues facing Alex. I was grateful for his support of Alex’s TA at school, and also for his wealth of knowledge and his ability to apply it practically. George had a quiet and calm presence at meetings, his contributions were well-made and to the point, always keeping the focus on Alex’s well-being. He was a lovely, caring and genuine man who improved the lives and prospects of many – he’ll be missed.
Jayne Gillitt, Parent.
Sad news, he was such a good dad and grandad.
Kimberley Strain
George’s wealth of knowledge and calm manner was such a support. Such a genuine person – so sad.
Louise Hastings, parent.
Absolutely devastating to hear this,George was an incredible man who has been a huge support to me for over 20yrs…much love and strength sent to his family at this very sad time.
Caroline Ballinger.
Oh my goodness! What a terrible loss! Condolences to his family.
Kate Booth
I’m so sad and shocked to read this. I used to work with George way back at Westgate School when he was a TA to an autistic little boy and as the school very first started their after school club. Rest in Peace George.
Cheryl Pitcher
TES: georgetimlin has uploaded 24 resources.
They have been viewed around the world over 188,472 times and downloaded over 78,703 times.
I can’t thank you enough for the work you do to help people with disabilities and to build much-needed community and support. The resources are fantastic. As a librarian, I’ve staked my career in helping empower people with stories and knowledge, and I’m grateful to find others who share that vision.
Natalie Kelly, Forever Curious Children’s Museum, Michigan USA
Oh god I can’t believe it. That’s so sad, I often quote George when I say, a long time ago I was told to pick my battles very carefully as there’ll be lots along the way… it was maybe what seems like obvious advice now but at the time (with my head spinning with a recent diagnosis ) it was a much needed tool that has helped me throughout my life in numerous ways… RIP George… his family may take comfort in knowing he was personally responsible for setting us on the path to a happier life xxx
Lorna Pepler, Parent
He was such a treasured professional, wonderful, kind, thoughtful and really one of the ‘good guys’. He will be greatly missed by all who have had the privilege to know him. I am so very sorry.
Lynne Barton, Director, Entrust Care Partnership
How terribly sad. George dedicated himself to the children he worked with, such a font of knowledge in the world of autism, he always went that extra mile, for example he rang my sons school when he was at primary to find out the colour of their uniform so he could get my sons social story as accurate as possible for him. The world has lost a tremendous influence in the world of autism and a very kind gentlemen. My heart goes out to his family. RIP George and thank you.
Ashleigh Harrison, Parent
George was always there for us even recently I’m so so gutted last night heaven gained an angel but he has gone to soon I’m devastated gutted I just can’t believe it.
Sam Collis, Parent
George was an incredibly kind man with a big heart and a great sense of humour. He will be so greatly missed and it was such a huge honour to have known him.
Nilam Gill, Friend
George was a wonderful man who I loved working with, I’m so sorry.
Amy Sweet
George was a very kind and patient man, and he offered me a great deal of support, understanding and practical suggestions for my son, Oliver. He was very experienced in his field and his commitment came across clearly through the work he did for children with autism, their schools and families. I know that you worked closely together and that he will be greatly missed. I would also like to extend my sympathies to his family.
Jo Spencer, Parent
George was a wonderful man and I know you will all miss him so much. I will. How lovely it would be to find something to remember him by. I’m sure you will find something. God Bless.
John Hassall
George was always so generous with his time, advice, knowledge and not forgetting his humour!! I think he was a truly lovely man.
Tasha Payne
George, such a lovely man who has made such a difference to so many.
Jo Gardner, The Dassett C of E Primary School
Thinking of George’s family, particularly Val who I also worked with in Rugby. Such sad news – a lovely, kind hearted, inspirational man with a great sense of humour.
Donna Clifton
He was a truly wonderful man.
Sally Foster, Henley-in-Arden primary School
We are devastated to hear of the passing of a George Timlin who for many years, supported parents via IDS Warwick and autism support groups. On a personal level, George was my “go to” person for any advice. A hero amongst the local autism community. Our thoughts are with Val and his family and friends.
Special People
George was a lovely man, very committed and he always went out of his way to help a family. I know you are a very tight knit team so this will have had a big impact on you. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Charlotte Lloyd, Early Help Officer – South Team
Oh George. A man who will never be forgotten but will always be missed.
Nichola Philbey Nash
George was great with the young people and had a wicked sense of humour. Thinking of his family and friends.
Julie Dunkley
George has been a wonderful friend and colleague to me. The lives of thousands of young people and their families have been touched in so special a way. Schools and other professionals in Warwickshire so loved and admired George – a man of deep compassion, huge devotion, knowledge and skill. With his gentle humour and lovely ways he is a national treasure and we will all miss him so much. I treasure a photo taken with him on my last day at work and one of him and Sam with their beard baubles!…………. Dearest George, so grateful and privileged to have been a part of his team.
Sylvia Zair
This is sad news. Mr Timlin was a teaching assistant in my class when I was at primary school, he was a lovely man.
Katy Poynter
So very sad……such a genuine lovely guy……loved his humorous ways! RIP George.
Jude Sunner-Ford
At work we meet people we dislike, some we tolerate, some we get on with. But, occasionally, we meet someone with whom we have a special bond. You were the greatest bloke and what an honour to have known you. If I can be half the man you were, I’ll be very happy. You will be missed!!!
Sam Powers
George shall be greatly missed by us all. I hope you and your team are OK. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all and his family.
Mel Caffrey, Deputy Headteacher, St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School
We have heard the sad news about George and can’t quite believe it. George was something that is very rare these days – a true gentleman. His knowledge and support has benefited so many children, families and professionals and he will be missed enormously.
Ali Hine, Headteacher, The Dassett C of E Primary School