Meet the team / Leonie Berry
I have been in education for over 45 years, working in the fields of Autism, Physical Disability, Learning Disability, Profound and Multiple Learning Disability and Social Emotional and Mental Health.
Working with children and young people between the ages of four and 19, their families and schools has been a privilege and I’m proud to have helped set up specialist provisions for young people with autism. For 10 years I was a local authority Lead Consultant Teacher for autism.
Since 2002 I have been a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for vulnerable learners and continue this role within SEND Supported. A particular interest of mine is helping learners with communication and interaction needs to express their views and feelings, so that adults working with them in school can adapt provision to promote improved outcomes through better understanding of their needs.
Qualifications: Cert. Ed.; B.A.; CNAA Diploma in Professional Studies in Education (Special Education); Primary Certificate in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy; M.Ed. (Special Education: Autism).