Meet the team / Tabitha Bradburn

My primary school teaching experience spans 24 years and I have taught across the primary age range in Stratford on Avon and Warwick, leading maths and music subjects. I am naturally became keen to explore ways to remove barriers and promote inclusion for those with additional needs and so I undertook the National post-graduate qualification for SENDCo in 2013.
My time as SENDCo has developed and challenged me, and as a member of senior leadership teams this has given me greater understanding of strategic developments to enhance and impact the provision and outcomes of the schools. I have particular experience with EHCPs throughout the assess-plan-do-review cycle to evidence the level of ongoing need and support required. With additional experience as Pupil Premium and EAL lead, as well as being the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children, this has developed my knowledge and understanding of challenges that also face these groups.
My particular interest is in Cognition and Learning and how exploration of learners’ strengths and difficulties, leading to carefully planned and regularly reviewed support and intervention, can remove barriers to learning and promote progress.
Qualifications: BA(Hons) QTS with specialism in Mathematics [1st class]; MSc Mathematics Education; Postgraduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (National SENCO Award).
In Progress: Level 7 Postgraduate Award of Proficiency in Standardised Educational Testing (PAPSET)